Jesus is the way to God and the way to eternal life.
Life can be confusing. A pluralistic society like ours calls for us to be tolerant of all religious beliefs. But the danger is for us to mistake tolerance for validity. Truth is not a matter of preference; It is absolute, not relative. Jesus made that abundantly clear when He said, I am the way and the truth and the life.
Jesus is the Way
God is exceedingly holy, but we are not (Romans 3:23). Our sin has left an impassable gulf between us and God. Our only hope is that God would find a way to bridge that gulf. But what we would never guess in a million years is how He would do it.
God must show His righteous anger toward sin in man. Sinners must be punished, but man could never survive the punishment he deserves (Romans 6:23). So, God condescended to provide a substitute in their place to endure His wrath (Romans 3:25). He sent His only Son to become like us in every way, except without sin. His Son willingly offered Himself to suffer the punishment we deserve for our own sin (John 10:17-18)
But this alone wouldn’t be sufficient because mankind doesn’t want to change and seek after God on their own (John 3:19-20, Romans 3:11). So, they must be ”born again“ by the sovereign choice of God, at which time they receive the gift of faith in Jesus upon hearing the gospel (John 3:3, Ephesians 2:8-9). For He is the single gateway into the very presence of God (John 10:7). No one else has died in your place for your sins to be forgiven.
Jesus is the truth
It wouldn’t matter that Jesus is the truth if truth itself didn’t matter. But truth does matter. A person can’t be forgiven and saved if he doesn’t know the truth and love the truth.
The message of salvation has both an objective and a subjective element to it. The objective content centers around the factual truth of the Person and work of Jesus Christ to reconcile all penitent sinners to God (Ephesians 2:16). This truth must first be known and also acknowledged to be factually correct for anyone to be saved.
But that’s not enough. Besides knowing the truth and believing it to be true, you must also be willing to entrust yourself into the very hands of Christ. You’re no better than a demon if you have no love for the Lord, who made His incredible sacrifice possible for you. (James 2:19).
Jesus is the Life
Jesus is not dead, He’s alive. He calls Himself the First and the Last because He is eternal; Jesus had no beginning and will have no end to His life (Revelation 2:8). He is the embodiment of life itself. Without Him there can be no life, for He creates it and He sustains it. As Paul said, “For in him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). All of creation exists for the glory of Him, and by extension, the entire Godhead. God made Jesus the way, the truth and the life!
Whether or not you believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, your life will never end. The most important question is where will you be spending it. Our life now is like a vapor when compared to eternity. It vanishes quickly, but it matters greatly. We have just one life to live, and when we die we face the judgment (Hebrews 9:27).
God will either identify us with the first Adam, who disobeyed God and deserved death, or with the second Adam, Jesus Christ, who gave His life so that our sins could be forgiven. Those who ignore such a great salvation will spend their eternity in unbearable torment, apart from God (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9). And for those who knew the truth but rejected or ignored it, they will surely suffer a greater punishment than those who had less knowledge. But, those who place their faith in Christ will spend eternity with their Lord and God in heavenly bliss.
Come to the wellspring of life
Which path are you on? Are you following Jesus, who said I am the way, the truth and the life?
Ask yourself two very important questions. First, are you sure that you’ll go to heaven when you die? Secondly, are you certain why God should let you into heaven? If you don’t know for sure, you can settle that matter today. Visit my post, How to Begin Your Life Over Again and you’ll know where and how you’ll spend eternity.
And for crystal clear YouTube presentations of the gospel message from several trusted sources, click here.