We consider Feuerbach’s theory that God only exists in our minds as we imagine a “superman” kind of god, who helps us overcome the greatest fear of all — death.
Feuerbach believed religion was invented to deal with death
Blaise Pascal, who is often remembered for his philosophical view know as “Pascal’s Wager“, examined what it is that makes human beings unique. He noted that human beings are those creatures of the highest grandeur and the lowest misery. The grandeur comes from his unique ability for profound reflection and contemplation. Our ability to reflect upon our own origin, our own destiny, and our own significance is what sets us apart from all other animals. And yet, paradoxically, this very ability to contemplate on our own significance and a better life than we presently enjoy is at the root of our human misery. This leads to our frustration by the reality that we can’t achieve that better existence.
The atheist Ludwig Feuerbach agreed that man has the ability to reflect on his lot and his circumstances. He believed that religion was invented by man to overcome the problem of death, because the greatest enemy of human life is death, and the greatest desire we have is the goal of immortality. He believed that the resurrection of Christ is simply nothing more than the realized wish of man to become certain of his personal continuity of existence.
Man supposedly invents a superman in his own image
Feuerbach noted that man can think abstractly and project his abstractions to the ideal form. So, we project an absolute personality with superlative characteristics, such as being all-knowing, all powerful, and all-present. So, this god that man invents is an abstracted superman that helps man express his egoism. We can also identify ourselves with him, because he looks like and acts like us. White people have white deities; black people have black deities; Indian people have Indian deities.
Therefore, according to Feuerbach, religion is man’s attempt to deify himself. By his god, you will know the man and by the man you will know his god, because the two are identical. Religion is simply the creation of man, driven by his attempt to deify himself, his culture, his values, and his existence.
Do we sometimes reshape our idea of the true God?
While Christians may want to quickly dismiss Feuerbach’s theory as unbelief, there may be some value in considering his argument. We may reshape our idea of the true God, as revealed in Scripture, to conform more closely to our preferences. For example, when we hear it said that God’s love is unconditional, then it’s natural to conclude he’ll love me no matter what I do. So, why change? This distorts our understanding of the fundamental character of the biblical God, who is revealing His wrath from heaven against all godliness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness. (Read Romans 1:18)
If we believe in a fundamentally different god than the true God, are we any different than what Feuerbach described? The Bible says the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10a). Facing our fears of a holy God should drive us to seek His mercy at the cross of Jesus.
Discover more about God and our relationship to Him
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But, if you’re now ready to know what your relationship is before God, Ask yourself two very important questions. First, are you sure that you’ll go to heaven when you die? Secondly, are you certain why God should let you into heaven? If you don’t know for sure, you can settle that matter today. Visit my post, How to Begin Your Life Over Again and you’ll know where and how you’ll spend eternity.
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