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Types of Christian apologetics
This site aims to provide compelling reasons to believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Bible by focusing on “Apologetics,” as urged by Peter to explain one’s faith. Apologetics serves to: 1) eliminate unwarranted barriers to belief, and 2) challenge flawed philosophies and reasoning. The three main types are Classical, Evidential, and Presuppositional arguments, which we aim to present. However, apologetics has its limits; it doesn’t convert people—only the Spirit of God does. Also, our discussions may upset some by challenging their worldviews, and we don’t have all the answers.
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Part One (includes 20 posts): Knowing About God
Part Two (includes 37 posts): Why Believe in Jesus
Most Recent Posts:
- Building on the Rock: The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders
- The Generous Owner: Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
- The Call to Forgive: The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
- The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
- Prepared for the Bridegroom: The Parable of the Ten Virgins
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